Air Separator

AIR SEPARATORS by steam masters


Heavy-duty steel construction.

Stainless steel removable strainer

125 PSIG working pressure

Operating temperature 350 C

Shell tested on 200 PSIG

Optional higher working pressures

Larger sizes require less space


The unit has NPT/flanged inlet & outlet connections & stainless steel strainer with 3/16” diameter perforations with five time free area then cross sectional area of the connecting pipe. When strainer is specified, that will required to remove & clean after 24 hours operation & after 30 day operation after first time installation. The unit has design a separte fittings on top for connection to expansion tank and for air vent. A bottom connection for blowdown cleaning. The unit constructed in acco dance with the requirement of boiler & pressure vessel and tested on 200 PSIG

AIR SEPARATORS diagram by steam masters


AIR SEPARATORS table by steam masters

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